level 1

Discovery Formula

Discovery Formula

Level 1

During an outing as pretty as it is fun, you will discover all the pleasures of CANYONING, for young and old. For a first experience full of good humor, the Discovery formula is perfect for children from 7/8 years old, novices, families, seminars, groups of friends. Aquatic pleasure and initiation to CANYONING as nice as possible!


Barberine, Toboggans de Balme


60 € per person


Suit and safety equipment

Canyon de Barberine

Barberine, is a wonderful discovering canyon in the Chamonix Valley !
An alpine atmosphere and a clear water as a nice introduction to canyoning for children and families ! Jumps, water slides and abseils…or by the sides if you’re scared : canyoning relax and at your pace

Toboggans de Balme

Magic itinerary at 30min driving from Chamonix and close to Sallanches and Passy, Balme Waterslides is sequence of small slides created by Mother Nature for everyone who wants to discover the activity. A paradise for children.
Jumps and abseils will add this magnificent outing witch will gives a big smile to all the family !